* I have a Sandbox course listed under My Courses. What is it?

All Blackboard instructors have a “sandbox” course.  This course is a private space that can be used as a practice course by you. You are also provided with a second Blackboard user account that can be enrolled as a student in your sandbox course and your other Blackboard courses in order to see them the way students see them.  To enroll this ‘practice student’ account into a course, from the Control PanelUser Management area, select Enroll User. In the box, type in your own last name, then select Search.  Select the box to the left of your practice student account. You will need to log off from your instructor account and log in with your student account when you wish to see course from that point-of-view.
Your test student’s username is your own username with an underscore in front of it (_jdoe if your username is jdoe) and the password is initially set to the last 4 digits of your University ID.